
Detailed List of Practice Areas

Coaching in finding your way in a mens' world
Finding the right corporate structure for start-ups
Neutral support in finding out what is best for the start-up

My Startup Background

Since the foundation of the digital platform ``Capmatcher`` ( in 2018, which matches start-ups with potential investors, I have been dealing as Legal Counsel with start-ups and all questions concerning the foundation of young companies. I am particularly interested in the support of female founders.

Further Practice Areas

REAL ESTATEReal Estate Workout

Loan workout, consultancy, verification of Claims, real estate management, negotiation service, asset liquidation, [...]

INVESTMENTInvestment Management

Strategic direction, operative management, administrative management, [...]

SOCIETYClub Consultancy

Training of new board members, mentorship, necessary education, support of club employees, [...]

Located in Munich

Global experience, located in the heart of Munich. Contact me in person or via phone or internet.
Gotthelfstraße 36
81677 München

E-MAIL FORMLet's talk

Gotthelfstraße 36
81677 München