
Detailed List of Practice Areas

Finding new structures or optimize old ones in order to follow the set-up strategy
Improvement of operative procedures in order to raise added value
Simplifying structures, improvement of existing structures

My Investment Management Background

At FMS Wertmanagement I was responsible as Managing Director for FMS' own real estate holdings with assets under management of approx. € 70 million and was able to specialise strongly in this area.

Further Practice Areas

REAL ESTATEReal Estate Workout

Loan workout, consultancy, verification of Claims, real estate management, negotiation service, asset liquidation, [...]

STARTUPSStartup Coaching

Coaching of female founders, setup of the right corporate structures, coaching in case of conflicts of interest, [...]

SOCIETYClub Consultancy

Training of new board members, mentorship, necessary education, support of club employees, [...]

Located in Munich

Global experience, located in the heart of Munich. Contact me via e-mail or the contact form on this page!
Gotthelfstraße 36
81677 München

E-MAIL FORMLet's talk

Gotthelfstraße 36
81677 München