
Detailed List of Practice Areas

How digital transformation will add value to your company.
How to introduce new tools and strategies without losing your employees on the way to become a more digitalized company
Modern work methods need fresh thinking and new ideas as to how implementing them in traditional workstreams in order to reach the goal of agile work “double the outcome in half the time”.

My Digital Transformation Background

Since the beginning of 2020 I have been a certified ``Digital Transformation Manager`` by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and am just as enthusiastic about digitization as I am about the introduction of agile working methods for the targeted and effective transformation of existing structures in order to make companies and above all entrepreneurs fit for the digital future.

Further Practice Areas

STARTUPSStartup Coaching

Coaching of female founders, setup of the right corporate structures, coaching in case of conflicts of interest, [...]

INVESTMENTInvestment Management

Strategic direction, operative management, administrative management, [...]

SOCIETYClub Consultancy

Training of new board members, mentorship, necessary education, support of club employees, [...]

Located in Munich

Global experience, located in the heart of Munich. Contact me via e-mail or the contact form on this page!
Gotthelfstraße 36
81677 München

E-MAIL FORMLet's talk

Gotthelfstraße 36
81677 München