
Detailed List of Practice Areas

Duties, responsibilities and liability
Assistance in the case of problems within the organization or with colleagues
Mentoring young club members regarding club duties
Support in case of conflicts of interests (e.g. resulting from the cooperation of unsalaried and full-time employees)
Advancement of professional development of club members and employees

My Society Background

After 18 years on the board and over 30 years of membership in a non-profit association, I know all the problems and issues of an association, both internal and external. Since 2018 I have been the proud recipient of the Bavarian Honorary Award (“Bayerischer Ehrenamtspreis”) and feel very closely connected to the associations with their great social importance.

Further Practice Areas

REAL ESTATEReal Estate Workout

Loan workout, consultancy, verification of Claims, real estate management, negotiation service, asset liquidation, [...]

STARTUPSStartup Coaching

Coaching of female founders, setup of the right corporate structures, coaching in case of conflicts of interest, [...]

INVESTMENTInvestment Management

Strategic direction, operative management, administrative management, [...]

Located in Munich

Global experience, located in the heart of Munich. Contact me in person or via phone or internet.
Gotthelfstraße 36
81677 München

E-MAIL FORMLet's talk

Gotthelfstraße 36
81677 München