ATTORNEY AT LAWExperienced distressed
debt professional

Value driven workout of non performing loans and support in crisis situations

ATTORNEY AT LAWExperienced distressed
debt professional

Value driven workout of non performing loans and support in crisis situations

Looking for a reliable & dedicated partner?

WHAT I DOPractice areas

REAL ESTATEHome Equity Release

Advice on all home equity release models, competent review of annuity contracts, optimisation of contract conditions

REAL ESTATEReal Estate Workout

Loan workout, consultancy, verification of Claims, real estate management, negotiation service, asset liquidation, [...]

INVESTMENTInvestment Management

Strategic direction, operative management, administrative management, [...]

AGILITYDigital Transformation

Evaluation of digitalisation potential, support in digitalization processes, agile working, [...]

ABOUTJanine Hardi

I have spent the majority of my professional career processing, restructuring or reorganizing real estate secured loans and distressed companies. The uniqueness of my knowledge in this area stems from the three main areas in which I have been able to perform this work: in a bank, with an American investment fund and a state liquidation agency.

ABOUTJanine Hardi

The focus of my professional activity is on the processing of real estate collateralized loan commitments. As a lawyer, I represent the interests of creditors and realize loan commitments that are collateralized by real estate. As a consultant, I manage investments, coach start-ups with a focus on female founders and help nonprofit organizations to optimize their work.

Feel free to check my more detailed career stations and supported organizations, ask for access to my internal area with more case studies – or simply send me a message via mail or LinkedIn.

Located in Munich

Global experience, located in the heart of Munich. Contact me via e-mail or the contact form on this page!
Gotthelfstraße 36
81677 München

E-MAIL FORMLet's talk

Gotthelfstraße 36
81677 München